Friday, February 25, 2011
Tip #19 For Better Chemical Engineering: Overview
Don't make the mistake of thinking that chemical engineers only make things, though. Their expertise is also applied in the area of law, education, publishing, finance, and medicine, as well as many other fields that require technical training.
Specifically, chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry to solve problems involving the production or use of chemicals and other products. They design equipment and processes for large-scale chemical manufacturing, plan and test methods of manufacturing products and treating byproducts, and supervise production.
Chemical engineers also work in a variety of manufacturing industries other than chemical manufacturing, such as those producing energy, electronics, food, clothing, and paper. In addition, they work in healthcare, biotechnology, and business services. Chemical engineers apply principles of physics, mathematics, and mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as chemistry. Some may specialize in a particular chemical process, such as oxidation or polymerization. Others specialize in a particular field, such as nanomaterials, or in the development of specific products. They must be aware of all aspects of chemical manufacturing and how the manufacturing process affects the environment and the safety of workers and consumers.
Chemical engineers face many of the same challenges that other professionals face, and they meet these challenges by applying their technical knowledge, communication and teamwork skills, the most up-to-date practices available, and hard work. Benefits include financial reward, recognition within industry and society, and the gratification that comes from working with the processes of nature to meet the needs of society.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tip #18 For Better Chemical Engineering: Career Guidance
There are also several lessons and activities, and projects and competitions that can help provide students with an interest in engineering first hand exposure to electrical engineering principals. Students who implement these activities and participate in projects or competitions have a better understanding of engineering and its impact on society. They'll be better able to determine if engineering is the career path for them by sharing their interest with other students, and experiencing hands-on applications of engineering. Summer programs and internships are another great way for students at the pre-university level to explore engineering.
Tip #17 For Better Chemical Engineering: Be Curious
Lastly I am going to say be curious. Be curious about problems, be curious about solutions, and be curious about all those tools (equations, connectors, and machine tools) that will help you find solutions to problems. If you let your mind just sit waiting for a solution to easily manifest itself, it won’t. You have to be curious and be active about wanting to become a better engineer.
I plan on posting a lot of the things I have learned during my first few years as an engineer within this blog category. I am trying to remain open to new solutions everyday and not believe that what I learned in college will get me through tomorrow. I hope to learn ten times the amount about processes that are out there within the next year and another 10 times that the next. Only then will I begin to easily see creative solutions to some of those most difficult problems.
Other Interesting Articles and Categories:
Become Good at Everything - A How-to
Starting a Business
Setting Intermediate Goals
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tip #16 For Better Chemical Engineering: Know your tools
If you want to sit around and do equations all day then go to a big name school that’s completely hands-off. If you want to learn how to engineer things and design great things then don’t say no when someone says you want to get some Machine Shop time. Those really greasy rough looking guys/gals that spend all day turning cranks and programming CNC machines (CNC stands for computer numerically controlled) could probably design circles around some of the A+ engineers that have come out of top schools like Michigan. If you know a person who works as a machinist, pick his or her brain and try to get them to show you around a mill or a lathe for a bit. It will be the most informative Saturday afternoon you could have.
Don’t be afraid of the tools that are out there. Even if you don’t pick on up know what they are, how they work, and how best to design for them. When I first arrived at Tissue Genesis, Inc I was told to redesign a plastic molded piece that used a heat staker and a sonic welder. I had no idea what these machines were let alone how to design for them. Then I began calling companies, asking for design tips, sheets that showed design tips, googling everything I could, and basically asking as many questions as possible. In the end I was able to redesign the piece (actually 10 down to 7 main pieces) sonic weld 2 pieces onto a larger one and save $15 a disposable in the heat staking procedure. That was all from just asking a lot of questions and learning about all the tools that are out there.
Some great catalogs to get you started are:
McMaster Carr
MSC Industrial Tools
Tip #15 For Better Chemical Engineering: Taking things apart
Once you begin to look at the interconnections of each of the pieces you begin to realize why the engineers responsible for it used it. Then, and this can make you some money, you may see a solution to a problem that the current design causes. If you take enough things apart or read enough about how things are made you will have more solutions to the problems you face as an engineer. Good things to take apart are, radios, printers, clocks, TVs, engines, phones, keyboards, computers, speakers, toasters, phones, drills, air tools, and anything else that interests you.
WARNING: Some of the above mentioned items can shock the crap out of you and cause some wicked damage, please be careful and don’t take it apart without consulting someone who knows about it or a super online resource.
Super Online Resources:
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tip #14 For Better Chemical Engineering: Online Resources
Tip #13 For Better Chemical Engineering: Problem Solving
You do all that problem solving and looking up to train your mind to look at problems from all angles. Of course you’re never going to be asked to solve a mass transfer problem without referencing a formula, but if you know that the formula is there, you can begin to see the problem from that angle before you even know the answer. Think of all those problems you are doing as a way to increase your mental toolbox. Every ME problem you do, or CHE problem allows you another look at a very similar problem. You’ve also more than likely said, “All these problems are the same” in some sort of frustration. When you’re on the job you may only have access to 50% of the tools needed. If you didn’t do problems to prepare yourself you wouldn’t be able to tell your boss, he who signs you paychecks and OKs bonuses, “here’s the answer, if we just go at it from this obscure angle it’s simple.”
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tip #12 For Better Chemical Engineering: Early Start
Becoming a good chemical engineer isn’t something that will happen straight out of college (takes a lot of bumps to make it work!), some may say you are born with the skills; that may be partly true, but I believe you need to acquire the thought process that engineers have through years of experience. You can speed up the process if you know what to look for and how to handle problem situations.
I have always liked math growing up and once I got to college figured I should go into some sciences. Plus reading wasn’t a big priority for me yet. Engineering seemed like a good fit because it seemed like the most rewarding. Becoming an engineer offers you the opportunity to learn the skills needed to be the designer of things, get patents, get your name written into history books, literally. There are many disciplines to choose from such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, civil, etc. I chose Chemical Engineering because of its being the oldest and most demanded general engineering.
That’s neither here nor there though. You came here most likely to learn HOW TO BECOME A GOOD ENGINEER, MAYBE EVEN GREAT. Well, I won’t give you any sure fire way but I will give it all away!